Comments on: Why We Should All Be A Bit More Like Dan Perez Daniel Newman on all kinds of things Wed, 31 Aug 2011 04:47:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Kahler Thu, 28 Jul 2011 20:08:27 +0000 It’s cool, I prefer that anyways! Take your time 😀

By: danielnewman0527 Thu, 28 Jul 2011 00:45:45 +0000 This is a fantastic reply and nearly a blog in itself.

Allow me to think this through and provide a more complete reply soon.


By: Chris Kahler Wed, 27 Jul 2011 20:54:01 +0000 I honestly try to make people act in this way towards what I say. I’m all for spurring debate and discussion. It’s really important for a person to realize that we don’t know everything 100%… I’m sure I can get a majority agreement in this fact:

We all stand to improve somewhere in life.

I get a lot of what you might call “praise” (mainly from people like immediate friends and family) rather than rebuttal. I’m looking for the latter for the most part (I think it’s good to be a smidgen proud of what you do… that’s just part of being creative!).

This guy is doing everyone a favor big time. And, I think we CAN learn from him just as you say here.

It’s not everyday that someone you don’t know takes the time to actually have the motive of provoking additional thought into what you think you already know. Think about that sentence for a second longer and the implication starts to set it…

If everyone pushes one another to further seek the substance of their own beliefs and thoughts, overall quality of thought will increase. How else do conditions across the globe increase in overall quality than if we all start thinking “better” thoughts towards what we are doing?

By better I mean a number of things:

1. Think specific to your current cause instead of general everyday thoughts.
2. I’m not talking 100% personal development – I’m also talking about creative development.

It’s my belief that we are happier when we are creative. I think creation is kind of the basic urge of being a human… since the start of time we’ve been creating things. Ideas, concentrated thought, and hard work have taken humans through many forms of society… all the way into a “virtual” one.

I don’t think the general public understand the “tool” we have in our hands with the internet. Of course they know it’s worldwide and full of information… but it’s 10 times.. maybe 100 times more than that.

If they did, more people would be doing what this guy does and trying to help others by pushing their thoughts to the highest place they can be. If we are spending more and more times in social media, we should do more than to only chit chat. I’m not saying I haven’t succumbed to this a time or two, but it is evident that social paundering is an issue.

There is only one reason why people aren’t breaking the current commenting cycle of “praise and thank yous.” It would be better to remove these comments and provoke everyone to some degree of thought, though that is unrealistic.

In order to provide meaningful comments everyone would have to understand the terms of potential benefit to them. They’d also have to realize the difference of a socially acceptable favor versus someone being rude (hence why many might consider him an A$$ when he’s actually doing a favor).

Just my thoughts on this… I’m all open to outside opinions and definitely willing to provide them 😀

By: Paula Lee Bright Tue, 26 Jul 2011 02:41:23 +0000 In fact, I’d probably enjoy it if he did, wouldn’t you, Jim?

By: Paula Lee Bright Tue, 26 Jul 2011 02:40:10 +0000 I love Dan Perez! I thought he was a jerk, but I revised my opinion after watching some of his work, reading some things he wrote, and catching on to his style. He’s a hoot in addition to being honest. And I love laughing.

I agree. More honesty and less crap in the stream would be a superb change. Sometimes I’m even swept up in it somehow. But I know what I really mean. And I know who the peeps that really have something to say are.

So I stumble along, learning and doing. Now that I’m getting students for my own invented teaching studio online (for struggling readers), I’m on social media far less. I miss some friends, but not the general flow. It’s great to be teaching at last! My real life is finally back on track. Whew. That was a long haul. 😉

By: Dino Dogan (@dino_dogan) Tue, 26 Jul 2011 02:07:28 +0000 Perez can dish it out, but he sucks at air guitar.

By: Jim Mitchem Mon, 25 Jul 2011 23:10:00 +0000 You’re allowed to curse.

By: Tobey Deys Mon, 25 Jul 2011 23:07:09 +0000 I’m takin’ on the road! 😉

By: Jim F Mon, 25 Jul 2011 19:50:34 +0000 I get it Dan. You are just pushing us all to do better. That is to be commended so keep up the good work. Will you be a guest on #leadershipchat or #tweetdiner or some other chat sometime? Would love to hear more from you.

By: Dan Perez Mon, 25 Jul 2011 18:57:06 +0000 You’re def a “doer” – the success of your business speaks for itself. Thanks, again…
